Allyson Giesen
Allyson Giesen has been a jewelry enthusiast, lover of gemstones and participant in historic events for most of her life. She grew up in theatre and pursued a career in professional dance. After retiring from the dance world in 2005, Allyson focused solely on her jewelry career. Her large and versatile technical repertoire from over 20 years of industry experience allows her to create innovative jewelry and class topics beyond the basics. She has worked and taught in bead shops in Houston and Chicago as well as major bead festivals. In 2007, she became the proprietor of Beading Dreams in Dallas, Texas. Despite the ups and downs of a small business, she loves that it allows her to continue to create and instruct. Allyson has been involved with renaissance festivals since high school. Her father worked with the original King Richard’s Faire in Wisconsin and started taking Allyson to the Faire at a young age; in garb, of course. Her favorite events are ones that allow her to combine her love of historical fashion with her love of adornment.