Portmanteaus, Market Wallets, and Haversacks, Oh My!


Saturday, November 2, 9:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.

Instructor: Zachary Woolston

In this workshop, attendees will learn how to create one of three types of historical bags from the late renaissance through the early modern period.  These bags will include AWI British Haversacks, Market Wallets, and snapsacks.

During the course, each student will be guided through the basic stitches needed for these bags, including the back-stitch, whip stitch, buttonhole stitch, and rolled hem-stitch. After mastering these basics, students will then begin to create their own historical carry-all.

**Students will be required to supply their own materials; a list will be e-mailed directly to students closer to the date of the event. Alternatively, students may purchase an optional materials kit by following this link.

**Please note: this listing is for a seat in this workshop only. Participants are still required to purchase admission to the tournament.

An Introduction to Kumihimo Braiding


Saturday, November 2, 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.

Instructor: Allyson Giesen

Kumihimo, the traditional art of braiding silk cord, has been practiced in Japan for over 1,400 years. Originally developed for the simple purpose of providing a secure closure, this beautiful cord was - and is - used in a variety of applications both functional as well as fashionable.

Students in this class will create a basic Kumihimo braid using a modern Kumihimo disc and satin cord.  The basics of this technique are surprisingly easy and accessible to all.

**Please note: this listing is for a seat in this workshop only. Participants are still required to purchase admission to the tournament.

Limited Availability

Cartridge Pleating: A Useful Demonstration


Saturday, November 2, 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Instructor: Dawn Allee

Unfold the mystery of cartridge pleating! The necessary authentic touch for many garments from the 15th through the 19th century and an unexpected addition to your Cosplay designs. This is the secret to getting really puffy 15th century sleeves, creating a 16th century ruff or cramming yards and yards of fabric around your waist.

Bring your scissors; all other materials provided.

**Please note: this listing is for a seat in this workshop only. Participants are still required to purchase admission to the tournament.

Gilding the Lily: Gold Leafing 101


Saturday, November 2, 1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.

Instructor: Amelia Templeton

The art of incorporating gold into art and architecture can be seen throughout history; from the masks of the Pharoahs and the statues of ancient Greece, through the illuminated manuscripts of medieval Christianity, to more modern uses today.

Join professional props artist Amelia Templeton and learn the skills to take ordinary items from “blah,” to gilded “huzzah!”  Once you’ve mastered the basic techniques behind metal leafing, you can apply them to a variety of objects and surfaces.  This incredibly useful skill is a must for hobbyists, artisans, cosplayers, and more.

Each student will learn the art of gilding on a basic wooden picture frame.  All supplies are included.

**Please note: this listing is for a seat in this workshop only. Participants are still required to purchase admission to the tournament.

Beetle Wing Embroidery: An Introduction


Saturday, November 2, 1:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Instructor: Claire Halloin

Beetle Wing embroidery is a stunning and intricate art form that has captivated artisans for centuries. Originating in 15th century India, the technique became popular throughout Victorian Europe.

A misnomer, “Beetle Wing” embroidery actually involves using the tough, iridescent wing casings, or elytra, of the Jewel Beetle, used either whole or cut and shaped. Some basic goldwork embroidery techniques are used alongside the wings to create a decadent effect.

Come learn the basics of this spectacular art, and create a small sampler to take home and use to decorate your next project. Or use what you’ve learned and recreate an 1860’s reticule with the optional kit available for purchase.

Bring your favorite thimble if you use one, all other supplies provided.

**Please note: this listing is for a seat in this workshop only. Participants are still required to purchase admission to the tournament.

Limited Availability

Hat Patterning From a Portrait


Saturday, November 2, 4:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.

Instructor: Cheryl Adams-Palmer

Join hat maker and milliner extraordinaire Cheryl Adams-Palmer and learn how to go from portrait to pattern and end up with a perfectly fitted chapeau!

Each student will bring a printout of an historical portrait showing a hat they’d like to make for themselves (or will use a portrait supplied by the instructor).  This class will then demonstrate techniques for analyzing dimension and proportion and drafting a pattern using that information.

All materials will be provided, and each student will leave with a useable pattern for a fabulous - and fitted! - hat.

**Please note: this listing is for a seat in this workshop only. Participants are still required to purchase admission to the tournament.

Learn Pearl Knotting!


Saturday, November 2, 4:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.

Instructor: Allyson Giesen

In this class, students will learn the essential art of hand knotting pearls. Participants will receive a kit containing pearls, findings and cord and will create their own freshwater pearl bracelet.

**Please note: this listing is for a seat in this workshop only. Participants are still required to purchase admission to the tournament.

Limited Availability